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In a sense, the game of the Torn Banner Studios studio was not lucky from the very beginning: in a few years that the online action movie about the war of the agata knights with the Masonic Order was in development, managed to go out at least similar in the combat mechanics of Mount & Blade, who at once pulled the attention of a potential public. Plus, this fall, literally parallel with the release of Medieval Warfare, was also a War of the Roses from the publisher Paradox, where the essence is about the same as in Chivalry – tough team battles with a cut of hands with a pood knightly sword. In a word, fans of the genre direction today definitely have something to choose from.

The developers themselves, however, have long and quite clearly outlined the essence of their first commercial project (in short, before us the only ennobled version of the Fashion Five of the Five-Yever of Age of Chivalry for Half-Life 2) and extend any revolution in the genre, as well as seriously compete with someone, they obviously did not. This game, it seems, was generally created specifically for those who were tired of serious tactical fights and generally firearms in some Battlefield 3 and do not mind relaxing, putting several people on their sharp spikes with their own hands.

The army of darkness

Medieval Warfare contains only two main entertainments: defmatcha variations (for example, in the Arena mode are won by a team that has survived at least one participant) and large team scenarios in which the plot mission must be performed (conflict participants in this mode are reviving).

[Bullet]] As in the beautiful Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, hung with enemy armor here can be opened with a dull kick in the chest.

Fast battles are primarily an ideal way to master the combat system. Although there is a clear training mode in Chivalry, it is quite difficult to deal with the main tricks on the move: until you train, they will cut into parts in the first minutes of the fight.

[Bullet]] Looking at the peaceful landscape in the first minutes of the round, I can’t even believe that, for example, you can pour boiling oil on someone's head.

The battle is built on the most rhythmic use of blows and blocks, and in the breaks the player gradually learns to use lunges, which by default are conveniently assigned to the mouse wheel, and masters additional weapons from the arsenal – such as throwing knives in the case of the infantryman or an ax at the knight. Already after a few hours of methodical dismemberment of enemy soldiers, it is worth studying the strengths and weaknesses of each fighter (all four classes are significantly different in physical data: speed and endurance), as you begin to operate with some heavy ax with an accuracy of the millisecond. In terms of accuracy, the CHIVALRY combat system is not just a worthy opponent Mount & Blade – it is almost flawless.


Fighting, of course, unimaginably pleasant when the bloodshed on the monitor is meaningful. For example, when the knights Agatha strive to burn the dominance of the possession of the Order of Mason, throwing torches into wheat fields, and those, in turn, tightly cover the ways of the attack on their native property with their soldiers. Or when one side wants to destroy the peasants who workers near the enemy castle, and the other, respectively, does not want to part with the labor force. To be a participant in this kind of script is really interesting. The siege of fortresses occurs using ballist and rams, and the advancing skips of opponents can, for example, fire with stones.

The main difference between Chivalry and competitors is an emphasis on the rude force of fighters. Because of this, they did not even include horses in the game.

It is also important that here, unlike most other historical actions (especially multiplayer), you do not feel like a mummaged berth in the reconstruction of some important event: thanks to Unreal Engine 3, the developers were an extremely detailed and juicy picture, and from the majestic type of gigantic castles Naturally breathtaking. Perhaps only two things spoil the case. The first of them-thoughtful scripts in Chivalry is still few. A brutal game about intriguing clan wars, and even in such a gloomy entourage, some minimum dramaturgy is simply necessary, but for some reason we are asked to mainly only attack and protect us. Cards, by the way, also a little – only six. Considering that each of them accounts for a maximum of two generally accessible modes of the game (more often one at a time), this is completely upset.

[[Bullet]] In one of the most tactical regimes, “King of the Mountain”, players of different classes need to combine forces in order to occupy and maintain a hill.

The second problem, however, is even more offensive. And it consists in the fact that it is completely impossible to calmly study the missions alone here. For a comfortable game, it is necessary to look for partners on servers (with the display of which a special technical problem is even related to the corresponding game menu). Formally, there is an opportunity to fight in the company of bots, but computer warriors are distinguished by phenomenal insanity – they regularly push among themselves, do not know how to go around obstacles, and sometimes even manage to set fire to a friend or dug him with all their strength with wooden spikes. So it is better to leave this venture right away. The developers swear to fix all the mistakes through patches, which, according to rumors, should soon appear in Steam. If this really happens, we will significantly decrease questions for the game, but now there are still quite a lot of them.

Ultimately Chivalry: Medieval Warfare leaves extremely mixed sensations. It seems to be beautiful, and the mechanics are very curious, and the stylistics of the cruel medieval fights is perfectly designed – in a word, the authors fulfilled all their key tasks. But the advantages of the game, alas, are enough for a maximum of three evenings of fun, after which even the notorious Sich with blood fountains begins to slowly tire. Just because today it is impossible to stretch out a large multiplayer action on, in fact, only combat mechanics, and Medieval Warfare is not enough interesting content (and in addition to a couple of weighty patches that correct the flaws).

How to behave in this situation Torn Banner Studios is still difficult to say, but we really hope that thanks to their efforts to Chivalry you will also want to return. Because after endless automatic bursts, rain of sleeves and smoke from grenades, brutal multi -user Sich in the field seems almost a revelation.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



Beautiful online action about the Middle Ages with a beautiful combat system, on which you need to work a little. In particular, add fascinating scenarios and smooth out technical problems.

Mania rating: 7.0



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